Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Location for 11/12 Workshop

We now have a location for the workshop on November 12th. It will be at the Trolley Museum.


Friday, October 10, 2008

Thank You and Upcoming Workshop

Dear Partners,
First, I would like to thank all of your enthusiasm and your cooperation during this week’s visit by Tom Clareson and Laurie Gemmill. They were, of course, very impressed with our collections and the care we give them, but they also told me how impressed they were with our cooperative spirit. Apparently, you do not find this in all communities. They will soon begin preparing their report. In the meantime, we can start thinking about the workshop they will be offering on November 12th which will focus on prioritizing collections for digitization, preservation, copyright, and funding. I am working on a location for the workshop. In the meantime, please set November 12th aside on your calendars. It will be an all day workshop.

Thank you again!